$44.00 USD

Egyptian Goddess Amrita Activation

Included in Sensual Self-Love Foreplay, get the upgrade here!
Prepare yourself for the drippiest of sessions as you enter the ancient temple of Isis, Hathor, and Sekhmet.
In this hour, you will be guided to move through an erotic ritual where you will receive a visualization practice with these three ancient Egyptian goddesses as they offer you a Blue Lotus blessing.
Activate every cell in your body and awaken an energetic and biological life force called Amrita. Amrita is known as the divine nectar that flows through your yoni when you are aroused. While this session is not inherently sexual, it invites you to visualize and move energy through your body that you could also practice with a partner. This session is just for you though, to take yourself to a dimension of fantasy and sensual expression.
This may feel edgy - I consider this a more advanced practice when you're ready to go there!     

What People Are Saying:

Your help, energy, and love come from another dimension and work with vibrations we barely understand


You took me to another dimension


My favorite class of yours EVER
