Rewire your Magnetism

Start a New Way of Manifesting!

Get the Somatic Surrender & MANifestation Guide for only $55.

Receive game-changing guidance on how to embody the feminine surrender instead of defensive collapse, followed by a deeply intimate, pleasurable journey that will have you crying tears of joy.

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3 MANifestation techniques to attract the right partner for you:


1 - Get really clear on the role you played/play with your parents - we unconsciously recreate the familiar dynamic!

2 - Disperse your Love - get fully resourced in a support system and aligned with your service. That’s soooo attractive to someone ALSO doing this.

3 - Practice FEELING what it’s like to be with him… this visualization gets deep…

Are your senses tingling yet?

Get the Somatic Surrender & MANifestation Guide now!


What people are saying...

We make the mistake of trying to conceptualize surrender when really it’s a very somatic experience, meaning the body’s systems need to understand that it is safe to surrender and not feel the need to be defensive. This requires treating the body as if it were the subconscious mind (because it actually is!).
There are many valid fearful emotions for protecting ourselves, but the brain has stored them in the body in a way that’s disrupting present moment enjoyment. I offer useful frameworks and practices for untangling these narratives and training the body/emotional reactions to respond differently so you can relate to your partner from a trusting place.

Slip your body into this experience and start a new way of manifesting today!